
Future Tales: marginalised women’s vision of a Scotland free from men’s violence against women and girls

Research with minority ethnic women and trans women’s vision for a Scotland free from men’s violence against women and girls

For our 30th anniversary, we looked to the future and asked what will a Scotland from men’s violence against women and girls look like?

We worked with Feniks Counselling, Personal Development and Support Services, Scottish Arab Women AssociationAmina the Muslim Women’s Resource CentreSaheliyaGovanhill Housing AssociationEdinburgh Rape Crisis Centre to run workshops with minority ethnic women and trans women to talk about what a Scotland free of violence against women and girls would mean for them.

These workshops were a space to explore a Scotland free from men’s violence against women and girls by looking at women’s place in traditional fairy tales and how we may rewrite these narratives. Women wrote new fairytales and illustrated them using linocut.

You can view the artwork in our brochure and the video below:


Thank you to all the women that shared their experiences and vision for ‘A Scotland free from men’s violence against women and girls’ with us.

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