Advice for journalists
We know you’re overworked, under pressure, and very busy.
But we also know that what you say matters.
With every story on violence against women there is an opportunity to stop it happening again.
Responsible and sensitive writing on what violence against women is, what the warning signs are, and where people can seek help, is a key part of creating a world free from violence against women.
It can save lives.
Best Practice Tips
Language Guide
Reporting on VAWG: What to Avoid
Interviewing Victim-Survivors
Including Helplines
Reporting on Different forms of VAWG
Stock Images of VAWG
The impact of other forms of inequality – intersectionality
Expert organisations available for media comment
Violence Against Men
Creating the guidelines
Contact us if you need hard copies of any of these resources for your news room or if you need advice on writing a story.