

We are hugely grateful for donations from individuals that enable us to continue our work ending violence against women.

Your donations will support our innovative work and will help us campaign for strategic policy changes and challenge the public attitudes that allow violence against women to continue.


Donate a one off sum through PayPal giving

Even the smallest donations can support our work to end violence against women.

Click here to donate via PayPal.


Support us through Easy Fundraising

When you shop online on eBay, John Lewis, Argos, NEXT and, and more, these retailers make a small free donation to Zero Tolerance.

Click here to register with Easy Fundraising.


Leave us a Gift in Your Will

After you have taken care of your loved ones, we ask that you consider leaving some of your estate to us in your will. Any donation, large or small, will help us to continue our vital work. Your support will help us move forwards towards a future where there is no gender inequality and violence against women is unthinkable.

Further information on making a will is available from:

Citizens Advice Scotland

Law Society of Scotland

Make a note of our name (Zero Tolerance SCIO) and charity number (SC023484) and pass these details to your solicitor or professional will writer. Leaving a gift to charity can also reduce the amount of inheritance tax paid

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