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Zero Tolerance
About us
Our people
Campaigning for 30 years
Position statements
Our original campaign
Annual Reports
What is VAW?
What is men's violence against women?
Preventing men's violence against women
Key Facts & Statistics
COVID-19’s Impact on VAWG and Gender Inequality
Key Terms
Our work
You Can Be
You Can Be Campaign - Book Audit
You Can Be Storytelling Time
Starting Off
Think About Your Language
Bank of Stereotype-Free Play Ideas and Resources
You Can Be for Early Years Practitioners
Myth Busters
Gender Equal Play in ELC Advice for Practitioners
Feminist Parenting
Being a feminist mum to boys
Gender Friendly Gifts for Wee Ones
Gender Neutral Baby Showers
He was boisterous, I was clumsy - Gendering Children's Behaviour
Feminist Kids TV shows
Talking Gender
Talking Gender in the Early Years
Think About Your Language
Violence Unseen
Violence Unseen Travelling Exhibition
Upcoming Exhibitions
Creating the Project
Host the Exhibition
More Info About Hosting
Terms of Hire
Feminist Spotlight
Our Original Campaign
Any Woman, Anywhere
Myth Buster
Creating the Project
What Can You Do?
For MSPs
Violence Against Women
Poetry Evening Open Mic
It's Time For Prevention
For MSPs
Last Year's Debate
The History of the Debate
Chalk-five short plays about violence against women
Policy Work
Guidance for Community Planning Partners
Advice for journalists
Best Practice Tips
Language Guide
Things to Avoid
Interviewing Victim-Survivors
Including Helplines
Reporting on different kinds of violence against women
Rape and Sexual Assault
Domestic Abuse
Harmful Traditional Practices
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Online Abuse
Tips for reporting on Child Sexual Abuse
Violence Against Women and Girls Statistics
The impact of other forms of inequality - intersectionality
Expert organisations available for media comment
What about reporting on violence against men?
Creating the guidelines
Free stock images for reporting VAW
Write to End VAW Awards
How to submit to the WEVAW Awards
Past Winners of the WEVAW Awards
Shortlisted articles
WEVAW 2023 Shortlist
WEVAW 2022 Shortlist
WEVAW 2019 Shortlist
WEVAW 2018 Shortlist
WEVAW 2017 Shortlist
WEVAW 2016 Shortlist
WEVAW 2015 Shortlist
WEVAW 2014 Shortlist
WEVAW Steering Group 2023
Panel of judges
WEVAW Judges 2023
Judges: 2022
Judges: 2019
Judges: 2018
Judges: 2017
Judges: 2016
Judges: 2015
Judges: 2014
Judges: 2013
Advice for journalists
Media Monitoring
Gender Equal Media Scotland
Write to End VAW bursary
Write to End VAW Bursary 2019/20 Poppy Watson
Media Blogs
Why publishing the names of victim-survivors of violence against women can be dangerous?
Accurate and responsible reporting helps women to seek justice
The media has the power to banish the myth that women routinely lie about sexual assault: it’s time it stopped perpetuating it
Why Language Matters: How are the violence and perpetrators framed?
Media Monitoring: Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women
Media Monitoring: celebrities can be perpetrators too
Media Monitoring: Reporting Violence Against Women during a global pandemic
Spotlight on the Scottish Media: Why language matters
Spotlight on the Scottish Media: Whose voices are heard?
Spotlight on the Scottish Media: Non-physical abuse
Spotlight on the Scottish Media: What's the Story in 2019?
Spotlight on Scottish Media: who makes the news?
Spotlight on the media: why are we still blaming the victim?
Spotlight on Scottish Media: Language matters
Spotlight on Scottish Media: what's the story in 2018?
The balance fallacy
Invisible Women
Media representation of violence against women: why do the papers give celebrities a pass?
The blame shame: why do we persist in holding victims partly responsible for sexual assault?
Media representation of violence against women: the reality of elderly perpetrators
Media representation of violence against women: why we need to talk about the Navy
Media representation of violence against women: what's the situation in Scotland
The myths around domestic abuse we still see
Media reporting and Spalding
What can the reporting of the Cologne attacks tell us about men’s violence against women?
“We need this to do things differently”
Early Years Research
Media Monitoring
Workplace Research
Young People Research
Children and young people
Early years
Gender Equal Play
Audit Your Environment
Think About Your Language
Creating this resource
Feminist Parenting
Early Years Research
Young people
Under Pressure
Train the Trainer
Training for professionals working with young people
News and events
News and events
Support us
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Contact us
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Our work
Write to End VAW Awards
Panel of judges
Panel of judges
Judges 2023
Judges: 2022
Judges: 2019
Judges: 2018
Judges: 2017
Judges: 2016
Judges: 2015
Judges: 2014
Judges: 2013