
Media Monitoring

Every year we undertake a small media monitoring research project in order to investigate current trends in the reporting of violence against women.


Media Monitoring: Reporting Violence Against Women during a global pandemic - An overview of findings from a week of media monitoring

Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women - how do stories cover the interaction between these two epidemics?

Celebrities can be perpetrators too - how are accused celebrities covered in the media?

Why Language matters - Exploring the ways crimes and perpetrators are described.



What's the story?: An overview of findings from a week of media monitoring

Non-Physical Violence: Discussing the types of crimes covered by the media.

Whose voices are heard?: Exploring whose stories are told and who is considered a "perpetrator".

Why language matters: Looking at the ways perpetrators and victim/survivors are written about.



What's the story?: A quantitative analysis of the types of crimes covered by the media.

Language matters: An in-depth exploration of the type of language used in stories of violence against women.

Why are we still blaming the victim?: Who do stories report as believable?

Who makes the news?: a gender breakdown on the authors of these stories.



What's the situation in Scotland?: A quantitative analysis of the types of crimes covered by the media.

We need to talk about the navy: An in-depth analysis of the way one story was covered by various papers.

The reality of elderly perpetrators: How does the media report on crimes committed by men over 60?

Why do the papers give celebrities a pass?: When do papers treat crimes as serious?


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