Stock Images of VAWG
We know that images can have a real impact. Make sure this impact is for good!
Avoid harmful images such as:
Images of beaten and bruised women
- These images don't accurately depict domestic abuse or other forms of violence against women.
- They reinforce outdated myths that domestic abuse is only physical.
Sexualised images of the victim-survivor
- This dehumanise the victim-survivor and can be upsetting for them, friends, family members, and other victim-survivors of violence.
Images only of white, non-disabled, young women
- This reinforce myths that violence doesn’t affect older women, minority ethnic women, or disabled women, when in fact violence can affect any woman, anywhere.
One Thousand Words
After we launched 'one thousand words’ a woman sought support for the first time from Scottish Women’s Aid after living with an emotionally abusive partner for many years.
When asked, ‘why now’, she said that her friend had seen the pictures on Facebook and said: ‘that woman looks just like you’.
The opportunity for a victim-survivor to recognise themselves in a story is a crucial way that they can identify that what they are enduring is abuse and be encouraged to seek help.
Representation matters.