Zero Tolerance briefings
Primary Prevention briefing: Curb the rising tide of misogyny - invest in prevention
Briefing for MSPs ahead of the 2024 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence debate.
Filename: MSP-PP-Briefing-2024.pdf | File size: 2022KBExtreme Misogyny is Rife in Scottish Schools: evidence of misogyny and violence
A summary of evidence of the existence and impact of misogyny and boys' violence in scottish schools
Filename: Misogyny-and-VAWG-in-schools---evidence-Nov-24.pdf | File size: 2117KBTags: misogyny manosphere schools
Many Good Men - MSP briefing on young people's experience of extreme misogyny
A briefing for MSPs on the Civic Digits and Zero Tolerance research on young people's experience of extreme misogyny, particularly of the manosphere and incels.
Filename: Many-Good-Men---MSP-Briefing.pdf | File size: 1590KBRecognising the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Debate briefing for msps
Filename: MSP-Danger-of-AI-Briefing.pdf | File size: 1944KB
End men's violence against disabled women
MSP briefing on 'It's all about control', research with Inclusion Scotland on men's violence against women and girls.
Filename: Disabled-women-MSP-Briefing.pdf | File size: 2360KBEquality and Modern Positive Masculinity Debate Briefing
Briefing of recommendations to develop positive masculinity in Scotland and move away from harmful forms of masculinity that lead to men's violence against women and girls. Through gender equality we can embed positive masculinity amongst men and boys and build a Scotland free from men's violence against women.
Filename: Masculinity-Briefing.pdf | File size: 2038KBTags: masculinity positive men boys
Violence against women and girls in Scottish schools
A collection of evidence of boy's violence against girls and female teachers in Scottish schools.
Filename: VAWG-in-schools---evidence-Nov-23.pdf | File size: 7300KBTags: #vawg #violenceinschools #violenceagainstgirls
How to end men's violence against women
A briefing for MSPs on how primary prevention focussed on gender equality can end men's violence against women and girls.
Filename: MSP-PP-Briefing-2023.pdf | File size: 1981KBTags: primaryprevention
A Fair Start: facilitating child-led play free of gender sterotypes
Our children deserve a Scotland free from men’s violence against women. But how do we create this future? One simple action we can take is to challenge gender stereotypes and facilitate genuinely child-led play.
This briefing gives nursery managers and other early years setting staff, an overview on how to combat gender stereotypes in play so children grow to expect and enact equality.
Filename: Early-Years-Briefing-for-Setting-Managers-.pdf | File size: 3084KBTags: genderequality earlyyears genderstereotypes
A Fair Start: Gender transformative early childhood development
How challenging gender stereotypes in the early years can help end men's violence against women and girls.
Filename: Gender-transformative-early-childhood-development.pdf | File size: 2213KBTags: earlyyears genderstereotypes
Violence in Scottish schools briefing
A briefing for the May 2023 debate on violence in schools with information on violence against women and girls in schools and how to end it.
Filename: Violence-in-Schools-Briefing.pdf | File size: 2876KBTags: violenceagainstgirls schools youngpeople
Reform of the criminal law to address misogyny briefing
Filename: Reform-of-the-criminal-law-to-address-misogyny.pdf | File size: 1735KB
Let's Talk Education - The National Discussion Debate briefing
Briefing for MSPs ahead of the debate on the national discussion on education. Gives information on violence in Scottish schools and how to end it.
Filename: Lets-Talk-Education---The-National-Discussion-Debate-Briefing.pdf | File size: 2723KBTags: violenceagainstgirls schools education youngpeople